Bacterial and Odor Profile of Clothes

Clothing textiles protect our human body against external factors. These textiles are not sterile and can harbor high bacterial counts as sweat and bacteria are transmitted from the skin. We investigated the microbial growth and odor development in cotton and...

Test Method Matchmaking

Is there one correct microbiological test method for every product? Antimicrobial test methods are generally used as screening tools to assist us in predicting the end-use performance characteristics of our products. Choosing the correct test method for both the...

The Need for Antimicrobials

The ability to control microbial populations through direct surface modification techniques at any point during a products life offers tremendous opportunities to improve the overall health of our surroundings. Surfaces free of microbial contamination will reduce...

Generic v. Original Antimicrobials

Generic Versus Original Materials and Regulatory Compliance The choice of antimicrobial agents has grown significantly over the past several years. Many generic products are produced claiming to have an “identical” composition to the original. It is critical to...

Controling Microorganisms on Hard Surfaces

Hard surfaces exist in indoor and outdoor environments. Hard surface applications are diverse and can vary from tiled kitchen countertops to swimming pool liners, yet despite this diversity of use there is a universal problem among all surfaces - they are constantly...

Antimicrobial Differences and Similarities

Controlling microbial growth and contamination with antimicrobial agents Antimicrobial agents have been used for decades to assist in combating the unwanted growth of microbes either in/on our bodies or in our environment. Some of these antimicrobial agents have...