WHO—Hand Washing

Washing your hands may be the simplest of tasks but what’s the most efficient way of killing off bacteria? Scientists believe they have the answer.

According to new research, the standard method of soap, rubbing your hands together for 20 seconds or so, followed by a rinse isn’t actually the best way.

Experts at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland found the six-step hand-hygiene technique recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is superior than the standard three-step method.


Here’s what they recommend:

  1. Wet hands and apply soap or hand sanitiser.  Rub palms together until soap is bubbly
  2. Rub each palm over the back of the other hand
  3. Then rub between your fingers on each hand
  4. Rub the backs of your fingers against the opposite palm while interlocking your fingers
  5. Clasp your left thumb in your right palm and rub in a rotational motion, then switch hands and carry out the same step.
  6. Carry out rotational rubbing backwards and forwards while clasping the fingers of your right hand in the palm of your left and vice versa

“Hand hygiene is regarded as the most important intervention to reduce healthcare-associated infections, but there is limited evidence on which technique is most effective,” said Jacqui Reilly, lead author of the study. “This [research] provides a foundation for effective best practices to implement on the frontlines of healthcare.”

Researchers observed 42 physicians and 78 nurses completing hand-washing using an alcohol-based hand rub after delivering patient care.

They found the six-step technique was determined to be microbiologically more effective for reducing the median bacterial count (3.28 to 2.58) compared to the three-step method (3.08 to 2.88). However, using the six-step method required 25 per cent more time to complete.

“One of the interesting incidental findings was that compliance with the six-step technique was lacking,” she added.

“Only 65 percent of providers completed the entire hand hygiene process despite participants having instructions on the technique in front of them and having their technique observed.”







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June 14, 2016